Do Drop Inn


This is my house.

Her name is Bertha.

I live in this house.

I drive this house around the United States and Canada.

I drive on average 550-700 miles a day, 2200-3500 miles a week, 10-14,000 miles a month, 40-50,000 miles a year.

Plus or minus.

I make .40 a mile = About $60 – $70,000 dollars a year which comes to about $12.83 after taxes.

This is me in my office/writer’s nook 10 minutes ago….


Handsome fella….

This is my High-Tech gear that feeds me load info, directions and my voyages to the Land of WordPressia….

Where all my friends live.


The next set of pix is of my seat organizer that holds all of my dope. RuRu, Cullman and Guy ride shotgun there.


I forgot about the Cheetos….

I love Cheetos….

This is my cupboard…


[Note] I’m out of mustard….

This is my closet that holds my Chia Seed Stash….No…I know it looks like pot and I have Cheetos in the truck, but it’s not Marijuana.

I’m paranoid enough….


I know it looks a little messy, but…you can kiss my butt.

This is my messy bed space….


I know it looks a little tossed, but I was trying to find my phone again. Yes, I checked the refrigerator.

Once again….kiss my butt.

This is also my storage area, top bunk space.

It smells like dirty clothes for some reason. My guitar is up there somewhere….

Okay, now you know me a little better.

I feel assured that you are aware that clutter is an indication of an organized and calm mind.

If that is true then I am a freaking brilliant Buddhist.

Oh, I forgot to show you my good luck charms….


My Navajo Dream Catcher and Choctaw Medicine Bag.

I can’t tell you what’s in the medicine bag. That would steal the magic…..

I think my Dream Catcher is broke….

Say Hi to Mary….


I’m not even Catholic, but I like Mrs Mary and her son’s kinda cool….for a hippie.

Here’s her son…


I hate it when he stares at me.

I also have a microwave….

An Xbox 360…Madden 2013, Black Op’s and Halo 4….

A 23″ HD Flat screen TV with built in Digital antenna….

And my newest cooking sensation!

As Seen On TV….

download (85)  A NuWave cooking thingee!

This thingee is AWESOME!!




I am comfy….

Now when you read one of my posts you can picture my big handsome personage slaving away through traffic trying to think of a story to tell….

Oh, I’m glad you dropped in and went through all of my stuff, but next time….

Call first.

Oh….and kiss my butt.

I love you all!

29 thoughts on “Do Drop Inn”

      1. I can’t. I’ve tried, but I keep falling off the laugh wagon. I’ve tried strapping myself down, but I’ve learned how to untie the knots. I tried hand cuffing myself to random pipes, but I taught myself how to pick the locks… I can’t help it. I need it. I got ta got ta have it!

        the last time I duct taped my mouth and snorted milk out my nose… it wasn’t pretty.

  1. My home is a 27′ non-traveling travel trailer named, Maggie. I think Maggie and Bertha should start texting, as they have a lot in common:>)
    Crap, I thought thingy was spelled with y and you spelled it with double e. Are we talking about the same thingy/ee? Gawd, I hope not. Funny, guy, as usual, but why do you always invite people to uhm kiss your butt? That just seems strange, and no, I will NOT!

      1. I read Dark Path a few days ago, then my puter froze again.
        I’ll leave comments on both, but tell me why you asked/told me to read them?
        Just wondering…

    1. I started crying when I saw that you commented… *sniff* it’s just been soo damn long…..
      I’m okay now *sniff* the stomach pump worked fine and the doctor said I’d only be blind for a few more days. He said for you to call him, that it was important.

  2. Ooo…thanks for the tour! It seems like such a novelty travelling all those miles, seeing the places you see, the people you see…living in a “moving” home and all…but it’s hard work too.

    Glad you posted the Chia seeds…it reminded me to go get them!!

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