Craftsman Redux

I am a Jack of all Trades and master of some.


Let me see….
(counting fingers)

I am a

I’m really, super good at it.

My lies actually become true thru the sheer power of my will and the urgency of the situation that the lie cloaks.

I can form a lie faster than a human eye can blink. At least measured by other people’s eyes blink time; my eyes won’t budge. I’ll look you straight in the eye and smile as I baffle you with bullshit.

I believe my own lies and that’s saying something, because as a general rule, I hate liars. I can’t stand to be lied to.

I can smell a liar coming from a mile away; except in my case. I hardly ever pass myself on the street and if I did I’d probably cross over to the other side of the road because I’d hate anyone to see me and I might know me.


How embarrassing…

Let’s see….

I am a hypocrite.

I’m really, super good at it.

The world’s greatest, most sound advice comes from the world’s most un-repentant, guilt ridden, incorrigible, hopeless hypocrite.

I give excellent advice. I will never steer you wrong.

Of course, I won’t follow my own advice and I’ll criticize you, no matter what you decide.

Let’s see…

I am a judge.

I’m really, super good at it.

I do not need evidence or proof to judge you. All I need to do is look at you.

Quicker than your bounced check comes back, I can tell you’re on food stamps, behind on your rent, unemployed, probably Mexican Nigger mix… or, or something not quite “white”.

Bet you ain’t got no car and you’re probably stupid as Hell, too.

Looks stupid…

Like I said….

I’m really, super good at being a jury, too.

I’m a bargain Jack of all Trades….

Let’s see….I’m great at so many things….its tough to rate me.

Let me see..


Oh, almost missed the biggie…

I’m a sinner.

I’m really, really super good at that.

This trade takes absolutely no effort on my part; it just happens.

I was born a prodigy in this trade.

I have talent, I have scary, scary ability.

My sins have sins. My sin is my own.

My sin is the only trade I have that is self sustaining and prolifically regenerative.

A mind of its own.

I repent and my sin laughs.

I pray and my sin laughs.

I confess and my sin laughs.

I forsake my sins and covenant to never sin again; I REALLY MEAN IT THIS TIME…. and my sins mock me.

I’m really, super good at sin.

Years of experience.

Where is this Jesus, when I “need” him?



I didn’t see him hanging there.


6 thoughts on “Craftsman Redux”

  1. Trey, your a very talented writer. I have to tell you it’s awesome to see what you have been doing. Curious about your music you have created in the last 40 years or so. I met you in Pocatello Idaho in the early eighties. We worked for P.C.C. and then we moved to Utah and went to work for Daniels, on the Hercules project. You taught me to jam on the guitar! I kept playing,it’s been 40 years almost. I have to tell you I was driving the other night,and I just thought….I wonder what T Rey is doing? So I did a search and found a face book account….any ways…I’m not some crazed stalker…ha ha.. this is Kevin….it’s been a minute, your an awesome writer man!

      1. Hey Brotherman!…lol I had to build a profile and Create a WordPress account….I thought I was sending a comment to you on your blog ..and it stuck it on my Profile…..ha ha ..feel like dumbass 😂….errrrrr!….I learned how to play tar tar….from T Rey….any way….long time Trey!
        I bet you rip on the gitfiddle!
        Your blog is really good man…..for real!

      1. Sounds good man!….send me a friend request….your acct. don’t accept new ones.

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